Sunday 8 January 2012

'More fun in Philippines' an epoc!

MANILA, Philippines (UPDATED) - Some may have accused the government of copying a tourism campaign yet again, but there is no denying that "It's more fun in the Philippines" has made a positive impact as netizens continue to create their own versions of the country's newest slogan.

Several photos featuring things that are "more fun in the Philippines" have been making the rounds on the Internet, prompting others to come up with ideas of their own.

An image of spider fighting, a popular pastime in the country, read: "Street Fights. More Fun in the Philippines." A photo of Ifugaos riding wooden scooters in Mountain province, on the other hand, had the text: "High rollers. More fun in the Philippines."

"Kisses. More Fun in the Philippines" featured the Chocolate Hills in Bohol, while "Prison Break. More fun in the Philippines" showed a photo of the famous Cebu dancing inmates.

Other images poked fun at the country's culture -- a photo of Filipino bread pan de sal had the text: "Bread. More PAN in the Philippines." This as Filipinos tend to pronounce "f" as "p," "v" as "b," and "th" as either "d" or "t."

With more and more people crafting their own posters illustrating what is "more fun in the Philippines," the DOT may have an easier time spreading the word about the country.

On Monday, Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez said the idea behind the "It's more fun in the Philippines" slogan is "to create a phenomenon where every Pinoy will subscribe to a certain positive behavior."

"Soon enough, we will be known for our positivity and this is going to be our brand image abroad. Our goal is to sustain and protect it," he said on Twitter.

The DOT launched "It's more fun in the Philippines" in the international market and the shorter "#1 for fun Philippines" in the domestic market last week.

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